Number & Math Calculators
Online number and math calculators, including percentages, decimals, fractions and many other free and easy to use popular math calculators.
Decimal to Fraction
Convert decimal online to the simplest form of fraction. For example, 0.375 as a fraction.
Percent of a Number
Percentage calculator tool to calculate what percentage of any number is. For example, 20 percent of 50.
Fraction to Decimal
Convert fraction to decimal calculator to easily convert any fraction to decimals. For example, 3/8 as a decimal.
Fraction to Percent
Fraction to percentage calculator that easily converts fraction online to their corresponding percentage. For example, 3/5 as a percent.
Percent to Decimal
Convert any percentage to decimal form online. For example, 10 percent as a decimal.
Decimal to Percent
Convert any decimal number to percentage counting form online. For example, 0.4 as a percent.